Voolsy Meetup – August 27, 2016

The Voolsy Meetup had personalities from various fields coming together on 27th August at Bambooza – The Cafe & Restaurant, Ahmedabad to discuss and deliberate over Voolsy. The esteemed guests of the evening were :

All the personalities took keen interest in the latest developments of Voolsy. The discussion included the ongoing integration with top POS companies in India and the possibility of conducting a similar Voolsy Meetup in other cities, especially Bengaluru. The fact that Voolsy is the pioneer iBeacon technology based mobile solution for hospitality industry in India, fascinated them a lot. They encouraged our efforts to develop such a revolutionary app in Ahmedabad, rather than in the tech hubs of the country.

Smit Nebhwani: Founder & CEO @Voolsy