Traditional Ways to Promote Your Restaurant Locally

Marketing has steadily risen in importance as a factor in what makes any business work. Today most companies are spending a lot more than their predecessors on “getting the word out there”.  Marketing is basically anything that helps promote your restaurant. All businesses, fine dining or local bistros need to have some tricks up their sleeves to increase footfall and profits.

Today in the age of the internet, most restaurants find cheaper ways to target their clientele on social media. So, many of you may wonder if traditional marketing and promotions have become outdated. According to research, the answer is no. The aim is to figure out your clientele and how to best get to them.

Traditional marketing employs the age old methods of direct sales, television, radio, flyers, coupon books, radio etc. to grab the attention of your target market.

Why traditional marketing?

There is still no beating ‘person to person’ interaction when it comes to sales. Creating a relationship with the customer and understanding their expectations first hand is most advantageous.

There is no substituting the effect of a tangible giveaway when a client can take home a coupon or gift card that they can then come back to redeem.  Even something as simple, as a takeaway menu from a fine dining place or the local bistro can make a first-time customer come back for more.

Do we need social media? Absolutely.

A good restaurant online ordering system where people can easily place order from your site and social media presence have become key in marketing nowadays. By no means should anyone underestimate the power of marketing your restaurant online. For your fine dining restaurant, traditional marketing coupled with digital marketing will end up giving you bigger returns on your investments.

Restaurants also need to aim at the demographic that isn’t social media savvy. The aim is to grab the attention of first-time customers who are looking for good restaurants nearby but might not be open to your business until they get more than a tweet. Ideally, one should spend a good portion of the marketing budget on traditional marketing.

In this blog we’ll try and familiarize you with some steps you can take, to promote your restaurant effectively the traditional way.

1. Getting the publicity right

To best use radio newspapers and television, we have to look at the way reality television works. Getting exposure and publicity for your bar and pub can be hard. So, we need to find a way to become news.

People will always be open to good restaurants nearby. But the traditional press releases aren’t eye catching so; maybe, we can try our version of a publicity stunt. You can try planning an event with celebrities in attendance, or trying a recipe contest for customers, with attractive prices.

You could also try getting a local celebrity to endorse the place and have an item on your menu that is their creation or favorite.  When you get coverage for these events on radio, television or newspapers, the content of your press will be entertaining and not just an invite to another new restaurant. Getting the customers involved and excited about an event will get you the most attention.

2. Finding the right business partners

You can collaborate with local businesses and offer their employees discounts. Their social gatherings can be a great way to increase footfall during slow hours. Choose the types of corporate or local businesses you want to reach out to and cater to their needs specifically. Your pub and bar can hold wine or beer tastings or buffets for the employees and become their social hubs.

3. Coupons to get customers to return

Any successful restaurant has its fair share of repeat customers. Coupons that offer discounts on subsequent visits are a great way to encourage patronage. The vegan restaurant that offers discounts to the returning customer will increase the chances of getting that customer back.

4.Contests keep customers entertained and interested

Your pub and bar can offer a free drink if it is a customer’s birthday. Or have contests where lucky customers can have a desert for free. Local bistros can have a contest where when your chef creates a new dish, everyone who orders it can suggest names for it and the winning customer can be given incentives. Involving the customers will ensure a familiarity and reason for another visit.

What traditional marketing strategies do you use in your restaurant? Let us know by leaving a comment!

Smit Nebhwani: Founder & CEO @Voolsy