6 Reasons To Consider Online Ordering For Your Restaurant Business

Contrary to what you believe, online ordering is the best thing for the restaurants. In fact, online ordering is the best way of revenue generation for the restaurants. In this age of digital era, having an app for online ordering is a must to keep your restaurant in the forefront. After all, you can’t risk lagging behind.

Do you know that the online ordering makes up 30% of total takeaway ordering? Here, we have encapsulated 6 ways in which having an online presence can benefit your restaurant –

1. Significant revenues

People tend to order more online as compared to offline mode. The sheer convenience of online ordering makes people  order more and even statistics prove that. Maybe it’s the comfort of eating at home while watching a movie or with a group of your favorite people is favored more to eating out in public at a restaurant. Either way, it’s a win-win situation to generate more revenues with online ordering.

2. No misunderstandings

Online ordering leaves little or no room for misunderstanding or wrong orders. However, this happens a lot at restaurants while placing an order physically. There are chances of wrongly conveyed preferences or wrongly perceived by restaurant staff. While in the case of online ordering, all the order details, preferences and customizations are done by the customer itself so there is no scope of issues.

3. Wider reach

If your restaurant has an online presence, it will automatically gain traction over the digital world. There are definite chances of reaching out more people through social media as well as in offline mode for a particular location. If people will like your food, they will spread the word automatically. You can reciprocate your customers on social media channels like Facebook, ask for their feedback and reviews to gain credibility and establish a strong presence on social media.

4. Easy to manage

It is fairly easy to manage the online orders as compared to the offline outlet. It is cheaper to create an app or food website and manage a good looking menu. You can update your menu every day as per your requirements, offer certain placements of your food and handle the limited stock items in a better way. As per the stats by NPR, customers tend to spend 4% more while ordering online.

5. Enhanced popularity

What is a better way to be popular than creating an online ordering portal? It is in fact, the surest and the easiest way to reach the top of the game in less time. All you have to do is create a user-friendly app and interactive menu. The customers favor the ease of ordering online with a few clicks and this will, in turn, favor your business with booming popularity.

6. 24/7 opened

It is a great way to make extra money even while you sleep. Alternatively, you can direct your customers to schedule order outside of business hours while food will be delivered within the working hours.

7. No more agitated customers

The best thing about online ordering is that you have little or no scope of dealing with agitated customers. Ordering through app or websites is a matter of few easy clicks and especially if you have made your menu really simple and easy to be used by anyone in a jiffy.

The online ordering through the company website or an app is surely the great way to let your rivals feel the competitive edge and stay ahead of the game in the food business.

Smit Nebhwani: Founder & CEO @Voolsy